"The smartest N@#$! in the South..."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Awakening


As promised...The first in my track by track rundown of the album and how i sought inspiration
for the album.

Song produced by: Bobby Sixteens
Spoken word by: Theron Jamison
Vocals by: Me

First off, the album is really dedicated to my son Brandon. So I thought that it would be fitting to shout him out at the beginning and get it poppin with a couple of the thoughts that run through my mind when im in the booth...I like theatrics when it comes to music. I want that feeling like the end of the movie...that last fight scene... Like on Kill Bill Vol 1. when Beatrix has the show down with Oren Ishii... Also I think about how cool it is to have the opportunity to follow your dreams on any scale. This also leads to verse for the intro...which is just some rambling that I put together. Truth is I am more proud of the beat than the lyrics (I produced it btw)...I had my homie Theron put the "Big Rube" effect on at the end. Everything is pretty much self explanitory...

Current listening: Lalah Hathaway - "That was then" (lh remix) - www.myspace.com/lalahspace

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